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Sunday, May19,2024


I've tried with prosthetic specialists, but this time I realized that planning resulted in more comfort and aesthetics that I never had with other professionals.

Francisco de Almeida | engineer

As sculptor remarked to Dr Osmar he carved my teeth beautifully. Only now I realize that he had a smile collapsed for lack of confidence in my dental aesthetics. It's good to smile freely! Hugs to all the team!

Clara Fonseca | artist

Using a removable prosthesis was a trauma for me. After placing implants and a fixed prosthesis, not only improved my chewing, but my aesthetic and self-esteem. Thank you Dr Osmar the affection and care that took care of my smile!

Laura Marquês Couto | advertising

I've never been satisfied with my dental aesthetics and reluctant to tamper with my teeth that they never had a cavity. Dr Osmar explained the technique of porcelain veneers and the wear would be minimal and in some no wear would be needed. Still I got some doubts, but these disappeared completely when he showed me what he called "aesthetic Test" which is a preview of how it would look on the facets of porcelain resin. My smile has changed profoundly and today I am completely satisfied, just think it could have done so much before! A little over 3 years my smile has changed, and why not say that I've also changed for the better! A big hug to all the team and come back soon to take a cappuccino and make my month control.

Cláudia Cruz L. | Advocate

I live in São Paulo and made a rehabilitation treatment with fixed prosthesis that was a failure . The dentist 's family and was embarrassed to find another dentist in my city. I researched a professional in Sao Paulo that had qualified to meet my case that is complex . Seeing the curriculum Dr Osmar had no doubt because besides prosthesis specialist also has PhD and a professor . I thought, is this ! Not wrong ! I am very pleased with the end result . In addition to being faster than I thought the treatment was quiet and very affectionate care. Thanks for everything, Dr Osmar helper ! May God always protect them to make other people happy as I was !

Teresa Cristina D. C. | architect

AV. MACUCO, 726, SALA 1902 - MOEMA
SÃO PAULO / SP | Tel : (11) 5531-1032 WHATTS (11) 991871561

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